時裝 ‧ 有品 Fashion is cool

  1. 作者 :
  2. David Yeung
  3. 出版社 :
  4. 紅出版
  5. 提取碼 :
  6. 453567
  7. 分類 :
  8. 其他



﹣ 資深服裝設計導師整合多年教學、工作經驗,總結香港時裝業界概況
﹣ 詳細介紹時裝設計過程,從原料分類、製作至銷售
﹣ 中英俱備,集合大量業界專用詞彙,適合銳意投入時裝界讀者參考
﹣ 大量香港有名品牌設計師專訪,分享他們的職業生涯及思想歷程
﹣ 附豐富插圖,鉅細無遺交代時裝業界專門知識








David Yeung,於香港的設計學校教授時裝設計十一年,穿梭世界各地,曾兼職任教英國學院。充滿教學熱誠,並深深了解業界實況及外人一般對時裝抱有的誤解。有見香港還沒有一本真正屬於香港人談論時裝概念的書,而每每需參考西方書籍,故決定編撰本書,作為一本講述時裝設計基礎的學術書。

I have known David while he was responsible for teaching fashion design at Caritas Bianchi. Since I am the External Academic Advisor of the school, we had a lot of scholarly exchange. During our acquaintance, David gives me a sentiment that he is a person that speaks his mind. He once told me that he would go back to study one day, and after seeking lengthy advices from me in regard to the direction of his study then came the announcement of his departure from his teaching career after accomplishing one of their college fashion shows that he would commence his study in the United Kingdom.

I always know that writing a book on fashion was David’s biggest wish and in this regard, he had approached me several times for advices. David had this idea years’ ago and then he called me up from out of the blue on 2 April this year from England asking me to help write a Preface. Believing that it takes him 2 years to prepare his book, it should be well constructed, insightful and educational, coming from his background. Seemingly there is no similar source book which contains a full comprehensive description of what fashion is to be initiated in Hong Kong. Besides, it can be a good reference for those who have passion in fashion.

Coming from his background as a fashion design educator, and the lengthy discussions that I recalled, I can see that the book not only shows his professionalism; but as well conveys a message that fashion can do more “out of the box”; and also link up to social responsibility and not restricted to one’s interest but more. I understand that his book has compiled a lot of his students’ work; which also reflects that their relationships, namely trust, respect and caring to their former teacher, are genuinely cohesive.

I hope those who buy this book can enjoy reading it.

﹣﹣Dr Raymond Au






  • ISBN:
  • 9789888072651
  • 出版日期 :
  • 2012-12-21